Friday, November 26, 2010

Leveling by Running WoW Instances

If you want to level your character quickly and you're tired of questing then using the Dungeon Finder to get into WoW Instances quickly is the fastest way to get from level 1 to 80. Not only will you get experience more quickly, but the loot drops and quest rewards are much better from WoW Instances.
Make sure you grab the WoW Dungeon quests
In order to double your effective use of time while running WoW Instances, make sure you get the instance
quests for each of the dungeons you'll be entering. These quests usually take no extra effort to complete, and the rewards and experience from there are generally much better than from regular quests.
If you are a DPS character then you should have plenty of time while waiting in the Dungeon Finder queue, to find and pickup the quests for each dungeon. Tanks and healers may need to spend some time out of queue getting these quests, since they tend to get into dungeons much quicker than DPS characters.
Make sure to share the quests with the other group members once you're in the dungeon. Sometimes you may not have had time to grab all the quests for one of the WoW Instances, and it's nice when other members have them and share them with everyone else. This saves time for all players and could easily earn you a new friend or two as a bonus.
WoW Instances as new game content.
If you're like me, when first starting to play World of Warcraft, you skipped most of the dungeons and just quested in order to familiarize yourself with the game mechanics and areas of interest. And even if you did run them, most likely there are many dungeon quests that you haven't completed. So by running instances to level your character you also get the added bonus of experiencing lots of new game content that you haven't enjoyed before, which keeps the game from getting tedious, which quest grinding has a tendency to do.
WOW Rest Bar
If you want to maximize the experience you get running instances or just from killing mobs, then make sure you have a rest bar every time you're playing. You know your rest bar is active when your experience bar is blue instead of purple. You get twice the experience for each mob kill when you have a blue bar. Rest bar duration is accumulated each time you spend time inside an inn, including the time when you are logged out. So make sure you log out inside an inn so your rest bar grows. The maximum your rest bar can grow is about two levels ahead of your current level.
Gear that is Bind-on-account
If you have a level 80 toon, then getting bind-on-account gear to give to your low level characters, is another little-known way of increasing the amount of experience they get. The gear is available from Heirloom vendors in Dalaran. When patch 4.01 came out Justice Points replaced Heirloom badges and the currency used to purchase Heirloom items. Any of your toons can wear Heirloom items and they can even pass them down to other toons on your account. At least 3 of these items give a 10 percent bonus on experience to the character wearing them, and more 10% bonus items are being added in the Cataclysm expansion.

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