Sunday, November 28, 2010

Review of Carmadeddon and Flight Unlimited 3

Review of Carmadeddon:
If you are a person who enjoys racing games but hates being penalised for leaving the track then luckily for you Carmageddon was invented.
The basic idea is to get from A to B before the other cars do like in a typical race. However the course is much more varied as you can choose which route to take through the city. There is usually the option of taking
the longer but easy route or the short route that involves launching yourself off ramps and over the tops of buildings that looks fantastic if done properly and can put you into the lead but can mess up your car completely if failed.
The other major aspect of this game is that running pedestrians over is very much encouraged by giving you extra time to reach the next check point every time you hit one of them. You will also find yourself being rewarded with power ups such as powerful "bumpers" that you can use to knock enemy cars into obstacles (think Mario Carts but more gory).
Overall it is a fun game to play that casual gamers will enjoy. I do not recommend it however if you are looking for a serious driving game to test your driving skills on.
Review of Flight unlimited 3:
Flight Unlimited 3 is another installment of the "flight unlimited" series that seems to be the number 1 contender to Microsoft's top spot as flight sim developers.
This title now boasts double the amount of aircraft from their last game (now at 10) and people will be glad to hear that there is now a passenger jet thrown in. This allows for a different type of flying and for those that way inclined the ability to pretend to talk to your passengers for that authentic captain feel!
The graphics in the game are slightly better but only in terms of the aircraft having slightly more detail than before. The landscape is still the game blurry photo realistic type with areas of interest having 3d buildings put into it.
The realism is still the same with lots of tutorials having to be run through by first timers to ensure they can perform all their pilot duties. Especially during take off and landing which are often the trickiest parts.
Like its predecessor I'll recommend that only people who really enjoy flying sims buy this game. Casual games will find this too hard to properly enjoy.

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